Packaging design

Why these few designs can win international awards, I suggest you take a close look!
Apr 28, 2024
In the fiercely competitive fast-moving consumer goods industry, outer packaging has always been a battleground for major brands to attract consumers. With the maturation of the consumer market, the importance of "appearance" in people's purchase decisions is increasing. Consumers are becoming more and more picky about product packaging, so they are very willing to pay immediately for a beautiful package. What do food packaging designs that have won international awards look like? What makes them special? Let's take a look together~
Wow! Is this the kind of nut packaging design that captivates people at first sight?
Apr 18, 2024
When it comes to essential snacks and gifts for the New Year, nuts must be among the top choices. They are the healthy choice in the snack world. Today, let's take a look at some creative nut packaging designs that leave a lasting impression.
The bottles and jars that are both loved and hated
Apr 15, 2024
The myriad collisions of bottles and cans can always spark countless creativity. At the same time, designing bottles and cans is also one of the most headache-inducing problems for designers. Today, Xiaobao has gathered some creative bottle and can designs, hoping to bring you some inspiration.
How to design agricultural product packaging to avoid looking "rural"?
Apr 12, 2024
Does the packaging of agricultural products give off a "rustic" vibe in most people's minds? Agricultural product packaging should not deliberately pursue luxury, nor should it be too exaggerated, otherwise it will lose its unique "earthy" nature. However, "earthy" does not mean "bland" or lacking in interest. In addition to reflecting the product itself, adding some fun elements to the packaging can deepen consumers' impressions of the product.
Those mineral water packaging designs that stand out all look like this...
Apr 10, 2024
The variety of beverage packaging on the shelves is so eye-catching, making mineral water seem plain in comparison. Quality-conscious individuals place great importance on sensory experiences and are particularly choosy about a product's appearance. Nowadays, major brands are showcasing their design prowess in packaging. Let's take a look together~
Gain knowledge, 9 packaging designs you've never seen before!
Apr 07, 2024
Looking at so many disposable packages in daily life, do you ever feel a moment of regret? How to make packaging play a bigger role, instead of just being packaging, is a question many designers are pondering. Today let's take a look at creative "packaging +?" ideas, and you will be amazed to see the infinite possibilities packaging can offer.