Those mineral water packaging designs that stand out all look like this...

Those mineral water packaging designs that stand out all look like this...

Apr 10, 2024wangRaymond
The variety of beverage packaging on the shelves is so eye-catching, making mineral water seem plain in comparison. Quality-conscious individuals place great importance on sensory experiences and are particularly choosy about a product's appearance. Nowadays, major brands are showcasing their design prowess in packaging. Let's take a look together~


01.Thailand 4Life Mineral Water Design

The packaging design comes from Thailand's most well-known design team, Prompt Design, creating a striped pattern on the bottle body for the mineral water brand 4LIFE, featuring these animals closely integrated with nature: flamingo, crocodile, tiger, bear.

It is said that the source of the 4Life mineral water brand comes from "Water is the life support of all creatures." Utilizing this point, animals and water are blended together, with simple blue and white water ripples, paired with colorful animals living in the water, presenting the vivid and harmonious beauty of nature, also reflecting the product's "natural" and "pure".

02.Farmer Spring - Changbai Snow

Moreover, Nongfu Spring launched a new mineral water this year - Changbai Snow, which presents the pure natural ecology of Changbai Mountain in the form of a pure ecological documentary, interpreting the concept of 'what kind of water source nurtures what kind of life'.

The respective rare wildlife living in Changbai Mountain, including Siberian tigers, chipmunks, black woodpeckers, and red-crowned cranes, are designed on the bottle packaging in a transparent way. By carefully observing these patterns, you can also discover different perspectives of the Changbai Mountain scenery, cleverly calling on people to awe nature and respect life.

The numbers on the mineral water bottles also have special meanings. "58, 1588, 240" represent the 58 national key protected animals surviving in the Changbai Mountain region, 1588 known wild animals, and 240 wild bird species; "1000" signifies the less than 1000 remaining rare species left from the third glacial period.
By using intuitive numbers to help consumers understand the current state of Changbai Mountain's natural ecology, they can better empathize with each other.

03.Evian Chinese City Special Edition

Evian has also launched a special edition of natural mineral water for Chinese cities, with the bottles depicting the most representative cultural architecture of Beijing, Wuhan, Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Xi'an, leading everyone to truly feel the unique flavor of the cities and rediscover the beauty of the urban origins.

The majestic Beijing design draws inspiration from traditional culture, with Peking Opera being one of China's representative cultural symbols. Through its integrated art forms of literature, performance, and music, combined with the elegant rose flowers and Chinese red background, modern architecture and Peking Opera characters complement each other, allowing one to experience the charm of traditional culture and modern style.

The magnificent Yellow Crane Tower depicted in the passionate painting of Wuhan is unforgettable at a glance, as well as the frost-resistant city flower, the winter plum, which more prominently showcases Wuhan's heroic spirit.

The leisurely giant panda and hibiscus flower in Chengdu reflect the city's laid-back lifestyle.

Modern Shanghai reinterprets urban memories in packaging illustrations with a phonograph and vintage tram: the phonograph plays elegant jazz tunes while the tram carries the memories of the era, exuding a rich cultural atmosphere of the city.

The lively scene of lion dances in bustling Guangzhou and the fiery cotton trees are truly vivid and interesting, depicting the charm of Guangzhou's style and revealing a unique human fireworks atmosphere.

Xi'an, known for its ancient charm, depicts the famous Terracotta Warriors and pomegranate flowers on the bottle, with the strokes conveying the essence of Xi'an as an ancient capital of thirteen dynasties in China, showcasing the city's cultural heritage and the profound sense of history of the ancient capital.

These mineral water packages not only have attractive designs but also convey deeper philosophical concepts to everyone, which are worth our careful appreciation.

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