Gain knowledge, 9 packaging designs you've never seen before!

Gain knowledge, 9 packaging designs you've never seen before!

Apr 07, 2024wangRaymond
Looking at so many disposable packages in daily life, do you ever feel a moment of regret? How to make packaging play a bigger role, instead of just being packaging, is a question many designers are pondering. Today let's take a look at creative "packaging +?" ideas, and you will be amazed to see the infinite possibilities packaging can offer.


01.Sound system

Want some music while drinking? No problem! Just turn the wine box into a speaker. The wine bottle packaging folds into a phone amplifier. Scan the QR code to play a perfect music playlist that goes with this wine.



Is your favorite thing to do snacking on puffed food and playing with your phone? But often you end up with your hands covered in seasoning powder. Doritos once introduced a "towel packaging" that perfectly solves this problem. This towel-like packaging bag allows you to wipe your hands anytime, and you can even wash and reuse it after finishing.



The current mineral water bottle designs are becoming more and more creative, with flat polygonal bottle shapes like this one no longer being surprising. But this water bottle has an amazing additional use that will leave you amazed - when you freeze it in the refrigerator, it becomes an ice tray, perfect for serving sashimi and sushi.



Eating honey and getting a candle in return is truly a good deal. This packaging, made from 100% beeswax, can be flipped upside down to become a candle once you finish the honey. The wooden board used to seal the honey also transforms into a practical candle holder, adding a touch of romance.


05.Press ball

Using the outer packaging as a storage box is common, the most ingenious part of this packaging is that the inner box for storing drugs is made into a spherical shape, creating an acupressure ball after consumption. And this is exactly what the target audience of this health product needs.


06.Shelving rack

Recall that the household appliance packaging we come into contact with daily is often bulky and substantial, it seems wasteful to discard these packages after just one use; this robot vacuum packaging, with its corrugated cardboard box, can be reassembled to create storage shelves, a cat house, shoe box, etc., offering both utility and sustainability.



Similarly, the ingenious use of corrugated cardboard boxes - this children's building block packaging can be DIY transformed into a paper child chair, allowing kids to comfortably sit while playing with blocks. Noticeably, the upcycling of these packaging materials aligns well with the products' intended use scenarios, where packaging for household appliances can be repurposed into home decor, and packaging for children's products can be reused by kids.



How to integrate the scene when the common pizza is often ordered at parties? A pizza box with a table soccer can definitely steal the spotlight at parties.

09.Decompression tool

Eating dessert always helps relax people's mood. What if we take it a step further? Then let's make the packaging into a stress reliever as well. This Japanese dessert is packaged to look like a Japanese garden with rocks and sand. Most interestingly, it comes with a small wooden rake which you can use to tend the garden. Who wouldn't want to own such a Zen-like stress reliever?
You see, there are endless possibilities when it comes to packaging design. A small change can give packaging a second life. What designers need to do is to deeply understand consumer needs, making packaging more thoughtful and caring.

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