Packaging technology

Do you recognize these recycling signs?
Apr 26, 2024
The recycling symbol, familiar to packaging designers, features three arrows looped into a triangle to signify recyclability. Many people are unaware that the numbers inside the triangle represent different materials.this arrow symbol indicates that the product or its packaging is made from renewable materials, which are beneficial for the environment and Earth protection. The symbols differ across countries, with Japan and South Korea using square shapes, and Europe and America using triangle shapes, but all with arrowed circular design.
Do you know the entire process from design to landing of packaging?
Apr 16, 2024
An excellent packaging designer should understand the entire process of packaging from design to sales, which helps the smooth flow of packaging from creativity to the hands of consumers.
How much do you know about the structure details - the handbag part?
Mar 21, 2024
Paper handbags are one of the common packaging options in daily life, frequently used in retail, gift packaging, and promotional activities to enhance customer shopping experience, improve brand image, and facilitate brand promotion. Although conventional handbags are widely used in packaging, some designers may not fully understand their die-cutting structures. Below is an example of die-cut pattern for the regular handbag for baoxiaohe (Box type No. 200010) as a detailed breakdown of the various structural parameters of the handbag.
Why is the first packaging (prototype) so expensive?
Mar 18, 2024
Today I want to talk to everyone about why sample fees of over 1,000 yuan are considered expensive. Is there a way to avoid these expensive samples? This article analyzes the reasons from four aspects to help you understand the underlying causes.
12 Detailed Explanations of Packaging Box Types Essential for Packaging Designers to Read
Mar 15, 2024
Still struggling to find the right packaging box style? Still unsure about the best box style for your products? If so, you've come to the right place today! Packaging design is inseparable from these 12 common box styles (with illustrations). Designers in need, make sure to take notes!