Packaging design

Why these few designs can win international awards, I suggest you take a close look!
Apr 28, 2024
In the fiercely competitive fast-moving consumer goods industry, outer packaging has always been a battleground for major brands to attract consumers. With the maturation of the consumer market, the importance of "appearance" in people's purchase decisions is increasing. Consumers are becoming more and more picky about product packaging, so they are very willing to pay immediately for a beautiful package. What do food packaging designs that have won international awards look like? What makes them special? Let's take a look together~
Wow, how could there be such a cute packaging!
Mar 29, 2024
Packaging nowadays is not just for carrying a product, but also shoulders the marketing task, serving as a 'silent salesman.' Good product packaging can quickly catch the attention of consumers, even prompting impulse purchases. If the packaging alone makes people want to spend money, it is surely a successful design. How to quickly attract attention? In the famous 3B principle proposed by advertising guru David Ogilvy, beauty, beast, and baby, these three elements are the most perceptually effective and emotionally evocative creative forms of expression. Applying the 3B principle to packaging design is equally applicable, so today let's take a look at how adding some beast elements can soften the packaging.