Barcode Design Specifications

Barcode Design Specifications

Mar 13, 2024wangRaymond

1.Barcode Overview

The barcode is theoretically the unique code that identifies the product and is globally unique.
According to the standard specification of GB/12904-2008 (Barcode_Retail product numbering and barcode representation), there are two types of barcodes



2.How to choose between a 13-digit and an 8-digit barcode?

"An 8-digit code can be applied when the printing area of the barcode symbol with 13 digits exceeds one-quarter of the maximum area of the product label or one-eighth of the entire printable area; when the maximum area of the product label is less than 40cm² or the entire printable area is less than 80cm²; the product itself is a cylindrical object with a diameter less than 3cm."


1/4 of the largest area of the product label
1/8 of printable area
Maximum area of product label <40cm²
Total printable area < 80cm²
Product diameter <3cm

3.What is the structure of a barcode?

The 13-digit (EAN-13) barcode consists of four parts: manufacturer identification code, product item code, and check digit.
There are 4 types of structures:
Manufacturer identification code consists of 7 to 10 digits, which are assigned and managed by the China Commodity Code Center. The first three digits are the prefix code, with Chinese barcode prefixes ranging from 690 to 695, distributed by the International Article Numbering Association.
The product item code is composed of 5 to 2 digits, generally assigned by the manufacturer, or can also be assigned by the China Commodity Code Center.
The verification code is a single-digit number used to check the correctness of the entire code.
The 8-digit (EAN-8) barcode consists of a prefix code, a product code, and a check digit.
The prefix code is 690~695, which is assigned by the International Article Numbering Association. The item code consists of 4 digits and is allocated by the China Article Numbering Center. The checksum digit, one digit, is used to validate the entire code.

4.Dimensions and Color Specifications of the Barcode

The basic dimensions of a 13-digit (EAN-13) barcode are 37.29x25.93mm, and for an 8-digit (EAN-8) barcode, the basic dimensions are 26.73x21.31mm. The recommended scaling range by the country is ideally 80% to 200% of the basic dimensions.
When the placement of the barcode is too narrow, the height of the barcode can be shortened while keeping the width unchanged.
China has provided recommendations for usable color combinations for barcodes:
If the color of the blank space does not match any in the list above, it is recommended to make the color of the blank space white.

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